EXIMIUM is an international consulting company based in Switzerland.
Its main objective is to facilitate and make agile the internationalization process of companies on the Swiss market as well as in the markets of the member countries of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries(CPLP).
EXIMIUM also offers solutions for Swiss companies wishing to set up or operate in these markets.
In-depth knowledge of the Swiss and CPLP markets, helping you to navigate efficiently.
Minimize the risk of failure through rigorous market research.
Simplifying and accelerating the internationalization process for companies.
Identify and develop key relationships for business growth.
Integrated administrative, logistical, financial and legal services for all-round support.
Solutions tailored to the specific needs of each economic sector and company.
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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
EXIMIUM, par le biais d´un ensemble de mesures et de stratégies, simplifie et accélère le processus d’internationalisation de votre entreprise s’elle souhaite d’opérer ou de s’implémenter dans le marché suisse ou dans les marchés des pays de la CPLP.
Facilitation des partenariats et des alliances stratégiques pour votre entreprise.
EXIMIUM vous propose les services suivants :
Organisation de la participation en foires commerciales, de missions commerciales et de conférences pour promouvoir les produits et services de votre entreprise.
Soutien sur le terrain :
Assistance locale pour les équipes, y compris la traduction, déplacement, hébergement, location d’espaces pour les conférences et les réunions. Fourniture des équipements si nécessaires.
Gestion des ressources humaines : Recrutement, formation, gestion des contrats de travail, gestion des expatriés, et administration des avantages sociaux pour les employés travaillant à l’étranger.
Gestion des besoins logistiques – partenaires logistiques – pour vos produits.
Conformité réglementaire : S’assurer que l’entreprise respecte les lois et régulations locales et internationales, y compris les obligations fiscales – Représentation Fiscale – et douanières, les permis et visas de travail et des contacts pour vos collaborateurs qui travaillant en suisse ou dans les marchés des pays de la CPLP, ainsi que le
Support juridique – Création d’entreprise en cas d’implémentation en Suisse
Conseils sur les questions de droit international, rédaction et révision de contrats, gestion des litiges éventuels
EXIMIUM, par le biais des partenariats financiers locaux, EXIMIUM vous propose la mise en place de mécanismes de financement pour votre entreprise – crédits à l’exportation, assurances, garanties bancaires.
Facilitation des transactions financières internationales et des opérations de change.
EXIMIUM offers a range of measures and strategies to simplify and accelerate your company’s internationalization process, should you wish to operate or set up in the Swiss market or in the markets of CPLP countries.
Facilitating partnerships and strategic alliances for your company.
EXIMIUM offers the following services:
Organization of participation in trade fairs, trade missions and conferences to promote your company’s products and services.
Field support:
Local assistance for teams, including translation, travel, accommodation, conference and meeting space rental.
Supply of equipment if required.
Human resources management: recruitment, training, management of employment contracts, expatriate management, and benefits administration for employees working abroad.
Management of logistics requirements – logistics partners – for your products.
Regulatory compliance: Ensuring that the company complies with local and international laws and regulations, including tax – Fiscal Representation – and customs obligations, work permits and visas and contacts for your employees working in Switzerland or in the markets of CPLP countries, as well as the
Legal support – Setting up a company in Switzerland
Advice on international law issues, contract drafting and review, dispute management
EXIMIUM considers that the main purpose of market research is to reduce the risk of failure, by enabling you to take the right steps to establish a lasting presence in your market and, in the longer term, to better understand the forces at work.
EXIMIUM is committed to researching, analyzing and proposing strategic partnerships, as well as identifying market trends and opportunities for your company’s products or services.
EXIMIUM, through local financial partnerships, can set up financing mechanisms for your company – export credits, insurance, bank guarantees.
Facilitation of international financial transactions and foreign exchange operations.
EXIMIUM draws up business development strategies tailored to the local market.
If you don’t want to set up in the target country, but would rather operate there, your company can be represented commercially by EXIMIUM as your main contact in the local market.